Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Welcome to our Pack Saddle blog.

Here and on our website Pack Saddle Shop you will find canvas tents, pack saddle, pack panniers, saddle panniers, hunting canvas tent and other packing equipment the typical hunter, weekend packer or outfitter would need. Pack Saddle Shop pack gear and canvas tent prices are all below suggested retail and competing dealers that I am aware of.

I have hunted and packed in Idaho Wilderness areas since 1979. Currently, I hunt or take pack trips 2 to 3 months annually. I field tested the canvas tents and pack saddles and used many pack equipment items that we sell. I am confident that Pack Saddle Shop pack equipment and canvas tent models will provide you the same pleasure and service as these quality products have provided me.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.

1 comment:

  1. Judging by the experience you have, you might be able to answer my question. I am looking for inexpensive pack saddles for sale (preferably used). Do you know where I can get some used ones for cheap? I have been looking for them for a couple months now, but it is proving hard to find quality pack saddles at inexpensive prices, even used. I will definitely look at your website, but I am afraid the newer pack saddles that you likely offer are a little bit out of my price range. Thanks!
